Bk: Crystal Prescriptions Vol 7 Judy Hall

Crystal essences and gem waters have been used for thousands of years to bring the body back into harmony and restore personal and environmental well-being.
In this volume 7 in the Crystal Prescriptions series, you will learn how to create your own essences from healing crystals.
Powerful aids to self-development and soul growth, these potent essences heal and rebalance the chakras, support your abundance and aspirations, assist in overcoming addictions, stress and PTSD; expand your consciousness; provide protection against detrimental electromagnetic fields; facilitate environmental and earth-healing, and accelerate karmic, ancestral and past life healing.


Crystal Wave

677 Grange Road Grange SA 5022
P: 08 8235 1817

We are open 7 days a week

Monday to Friday 10am - 5.00pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm
Public Holidays 11am - 4pm